English Quiz Test 5 Start your test Q1. Choose the correct spelling : Amatuer Amature Amateur Ameteur None Q2. Select the word with correct spelling Benefited Benefitted Benifitted Benifited None Q3. Find the correctly spelt word Servent Sarvent Servant Sarvant None Q4. Spot the correct spelling Comittee Commitee Committee Committey None Q5. Find the mis-spelt word : Annex Aniversary Animate Animosity None Q6. From the given group of words, choose the word wrongly spelt Imperative Ilicit Imminent Immature None Q7. Choose the word wrongly spelt Semester Senesent Sensory Salacious None Q8. Choose the word with wrong spelling Feudal Fumble Fuel Feugitive None Q9. Choose the word wrongly spelt Teaser Teething Tedious Teatotaller None Q10. Find out the correct spelling (A great writer) Shakespear Shakespeare Shakspiear None Q11. Which one is correct? Heretage Heratage Heritage Heiritage None Q12. Which one is correct? Exhibition Exabition Exibition Exhebition None Q13. Which one is correct? Initiative Initative Intiative Enitiative None Q14. Which is the correct spelling? Sufficiantly Suficeintly Sufisiently Sufficiently None Q15. Which is the correct spelling? Anticipate Antisipate Anticapate Antisapate None Q16. Which is the correct spelling? Intelegence Inteligance Intelligence Intellegance None Q17. Which is the correct spelling? Auxilary Auxillary Auxiliary Auxilliary None Q18. Which is the correct spelling? Corregated Coregated Corrigated Corrugated None Q19. Which is the correct spelling? Ascertain Assertain Acertain Asertain None Q20. Which is the correct spelling? Acquiesance Acquiesence Acquiescence Aquiescence None Time's upTime is Up!