Everyday Science Quiz Test 8 00:10:00 Start your test Q1. Acid rain contains high levels of Oxalic acid Acetic acid Sulphuric and nitric acids Carbolic acid None Q2. Which one of the following would give the highest energy per gram? Glucosw Proteins Fats Sucrose None Q3. Which one of the following units represents the largest amount of energy? Calorie Joule Erg Electron volt None Q4. A woman's voice is shriller than a man's due to Higher frequency Higher amplitude Lower frequency Weak vocal chords None Q5. Which gas is used in the preparation of soft drinks? Oxygen Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Halogens None Q6. Why are soft drinks made with chilled water rather than water at room temperature? Ingredients dissolve better in chilled water Chilled water enhances the taste Chilled water attracts more carbon dioxide Chilled water is more hygienic None Q7. Coke is made by heating coal in the absence of air at 700C 900C 1300C 1700C None Q8. In blood, the percentage of water is 95% 90% 85% 80% None Q9. As the temperature of ice rises, the ice melts and its density Decreases Remains constant Increases Increases upto 10C None Q10. Water is a universal solvent for what reactions. Physical Chemical Nuclear Biochemical None Q11. The volume percentage of nitrogen in air is 60% 67% 74% 78% None Q12. Nitrogen occur in plants and animals in the form of Carbohydrastes Proteins Minerals Fats None Q13. Air contains volume of carbon dioxide approximately; 3% 33% 0.3% 0.03% None Q14. The gases which are used by divers as an artificial atmosphere are helium and; Nitrogen Oxygen Neon Carbon monoxide None Q25. The second most abundant metal found in the earth's crust is. Iron Aluminium Calcium Sodium None Q16. Which of the following is involved in Sodium Magnesium Calcium Potassium None Q17. For water purification, we use Chlorine Bromine Flourine Iodine None Q18. Deficiency of chloride cause the impaired growth in Animals Infants Plants Young man None Q19. The human blood is divided into Two groups Three groups Four groups Five groups None Q20. Which type of blood of individuals are known as universal donor. Type A Type AB Type B Type O None 🡸 PrevNextNext 🡺 Time's upTime is Up!